
Brussels Highlights and Hidden Corners: Private Guided Walk

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desde 43 € pp

Explore Brussels on this Private Tour. Discover highlights and hidden gems like Saint-Géry market, Pinneke Pis, and the old Stock Exchange. Enjoy the best local beer.

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Dive deep into Brussels with this Private Tour guided by a local expert. Uncover the true essence of the city as you visit its top attractions. Start at the Saint-Géry Market, where you'll explore local foods and unique crafts. Wander through Rue Saint-Christophe, taking in the charming architecture and cozy cafes. Your private guide will share the intriguing history of the iconic statues Pinneke Pis and Manneken Pis. Explore the Old Stock Exchange and the Beer Museum to learn about Belgium's rich brewing heritage. Admire the stunning Gothic architecture of the Église Saint-Nicolas and snap a photo of Jeanneke Pis while hearing its delightful tale. Stroll through the elegant Saint-Hubert Galleries, a city landmark, and pause at a local bar to savor the finest Belgian beer. Be awed by the magnificent Grand Place, one of the world's most beautiful squares. Wander through Brussels' most picturesque streets, like Creek 'Rollebeek' and Lebeau Street. Conclude your tour at Saint Jean Square and take in the impressive Town Hall tower at the Marché aux Fromages.

Ver descripción completa
  • Bruxelles
  • 3 hours
  • City Tours
  • Walking Tour
  • apto para niños

¿Qué está incluido?

  • 3 hours private tour with a local host
  • Una cerveza por persona


  • Explore the Highlights & Hidden gems of Brussels with a Private Guide
  • Admire the iconics Manneken Pis, Pinneke Pis & Jeanneke Pis and hear its history
  • Experience luxury shopping at Galeries Saint-Hubert
  • Taste the traditional Belgian beer in a local bar
  • Be captivated by the magnificent Grand Place

Punto de encuentro

At the corner of the Bar Castello

La Machine, Saint-Géry Island, Bruselas, Bélgica

Check it at Google Maps

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Este es el plan


Place Saint-Géry, Brussels, Belgium
Explore Saint-Géry Market. Discover local foods, unique crafts, and enjoy the lively atmosphere in this bustling market.
Rue Saint-Christophe, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium
Stroll down Rue Saint-Christophe. Appreciate the charming architecture, quaint boutiques, and cozy cafes along this picturesque street.
Zinneke Pis
Visit Pinneke Pis. Find this quirky statue and learn about its humorous place in local culture.
Former Stock Exchange - Bourse/Beurs + Beer Museum
Tour the Former Stock Exchange and Beer Museum. Admire historic architecture and discover Belgium’s rich brewing history.
Église Saint-Nicolas
Explore Église Saint-Nicolas. Admire the beautiful gothic architecture and enjoy the serene atmosphere of this historic church.
Jeanneke Pis
Discover Jeanneke Pis. Capture a photo of this playful statue and learn about its charming story.
Galleries Saint-Hubert
Visit Galleries Saint-Hubert. Experience luxury shopping, elegant cafes, and the stunning architecture of this historic arcade.
Mokafé Taverne
Visit Galleries Saint-Hubert. Experience luxury shopping, elegant cafes, and the stunning architecture of this historic arcade.
Magnificent Grand Place
Explore the Grand Place. Marvel at the stunning architecture and experience the vibrant atmosphere of this historic square.
Statue Manneke Pis
See Manneke Pis. Discover this iconic statue and understand its unique cultural significance.
‘Oud Korenhuis’ Place
Visit ‘Oud Korenhuis’ Place. Enjoy the historic buildings and the charm of this picturesque square.
Creek ‘Rollebeek’
Stroll along Creek ‘Rollebeek’. Enjoy the peaceful surroundings and the natural beauty of this serene waterway.
Sablon Quarter
Walk down Lebeau Street. Discover boutique shops, cozy cafes, and the picturesque setting of this charming street.
Place ‘Saint Jean’
Visit Place ‘Saint Jean’. Enjoy the quaint square and the surrounding Brussels Parlement
Marché aux Fromages
Admire the Town hall tower and learn about the street name.

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