
Brussels Off the Beaten Path: A Private Local Walking Tour

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(1) Critiques
de 44 € pp

Brussels Off the Beaten Path: A Private Local Walking Tour

À quoi s'attendre

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Discover the alternative side of Brussels on this private tour, perfect for adventurers and culture enthusiasts, away from the tourist crowds. With your local guide, visit emerging neighborhoods with industrial touches, such as Place Saint-Géry, the birthplace of Brussels, and learn about the city's ancient Senne River. Explore the vibrant Saint-Cathérine district, once a former port, now lined with trendy restaurants and bars. Immerse yourself in the multicultural energy of the canal zone, with its converted factories and artistic atmosphere. This tour offers an insider's view of Brussels' transformation, blending its historic, industrial roots with a modern twist. Ideal for travelers looking for a deeper and more authentic experience of the city, with local drinks and fascinating discoveries.

Voir la description complète
  • Bruxelles
  • 3 hs. hours
  • City Tours
  • Walking Tour
  • adapté aux enfants

Qu'est-ce qui est inclus ?

  • 3 heures de visite privée avec un guide local
  • A beer or a soft drink in a local bar
  • Lunch - Let's take a break. We invite you a relaxing lunch under the trees of a beautiful terrace in Rambla Catalunya. Will be included taxis to Park Guell and Sagrada Familia.


  • Discover the alternative side of Brussels on a private tour with a local guide
  • Delight yourself with the industrial origins of the city, today converted into modern buildings.
  • Explore the Kanaal district's artistic, multicultural vibe and converted factories
  • Enjoy craft beer and canal views at the local favorite Bar Walvis
  • Experience the quiet charm of Rue de la Cicogne, an authentic Brussels alley

Point de rencontre

Outside on Place Saint-Géry 2, across bar La Machine

Pl. Saint-Géry 2, Bruselas, Bélgica

Vérifiez-le sur Google Maps

Annulation gratuite

Jusqu'à 24 heures à l'avance.
Plus d'infos ? Consultez notre politique d'annulation ici.

Réservez votre expérience et sélectionnez votre date et heure de déclaration.

I Stock 877537062
Shutterstock 225356230
I Stock 964250954
Shutterstock 665973838
Shutterstock 567851380 copia
Shutterstock 1398364064
Shutterstock 2402526221
Shutterstock 139470404

C'est le plan


Place Saint-Géry
Discover the Place Saint-Géry, where history meets modern Brussels, blending old architecture with a trendy vibe. Then, step into the hidden Senne Courtyard to catch a glimpse of Brussels’ medieval past, exploring its serene surroundings away from the bustling streets.
Zinneke Pis
Admire Zinneke Pis, the quirky sculpture of a peeing dog. A playful nod to its famous counterparts, it adds a unique twist to Brussels’ public art.
Place Sainte-Cathérine
Take a stroll through Place Sainte-Catherine and admire its blend of old and new architecture. Enjoy the peaceful atmosphere and explore the church and nearby shops.
Marche aux poissons
Visit Marché aux Poissons, once the city’s bustling fish market. Today, it’s a vibrant spot for seafood lovers, with top restaurants lining the square.
Rue du Marché aux Porcs
Walk down Rue du Marché aux Porcs, a historic street once home to the city’s pork market. Today, it’s a lively spot with a mix of shops and cafés.
Rue de la Cigogne
Find Rue de la Cicogne, an authentic alley hidden in the heart of Brussels. Take a peaceful walk and enjoy its intimate, historic atmosphere.
Café Walvis
Stop by a traditional belgium local bar, with a relaxed vibe. Sip on a craft beer while enjoying views of the nearby canal.
Explore the Kanaal area, a lively neighborhood transformed from an industrial hub to a cultural hotspot. Enjoy the mix of art, cafés, and waterfront paths.
Comte de Flandre metro stop
Arrive at Comte de Flandre metro stop and find yourself in one of Brussels' most vibrant districts.
Minoterie Farcy
Discover Minoterie Farcy, a hidden piece of Brussels’ industrial history. This old flour mill showcases the city’s connection to its working-class roots.
Place Communal
Take a break at Place Communal, where you can watch daily life unfold. It’s a perfect spot to relax and observe the rhythm of the city.
Place Brunfaut
Visit Place Brunfaut, a local square that blends modern urban life with neighborhood charm. Explore its green spaces and nearby shops.
Boulevard Barthélemy
Walk along Boulevard Barthélemy, where history and modern Brussels meet. Enjoy the eclectic mix of shops, restaurants, and street art along the way.


Ce que les autres voyageurs pensent de la visite

Kristi C
Great Tour
My tour with Brunella was great! I was traveling solo and she took the time to tell me all kinds of things about Barcelona, food, culture. She helped me figure out how I would take the subway on my own later. I really enjoyed not having to share the tour with anyone else because I got such personal service.

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